The American newspaper Chicago Tribune has examined the popular diets of the last few years and identified the cheapest ones.According to the study, the keto, herbal, Mediterranean, and paleo diets were the cheapest for all populations. The nutritionist commented on these diets and said 5-tv. ru, what harm and benefit they can bring to the human body.
The keto diet
The ketogenic diet is all about avoiding carbohydrates. The main foods in the diet should be proteins and unsaturated fats, which play the role of the main sources of energy in the body. In this case, the process of "ketosis" is activated, in which fats are broken down to produce energy.
A person should eat 70–80% healthy fats, 20–25% protein, and 5–10% healthy carbohydrates such as vegetables every day. The following foods should be excluded from the diet:
- Fruits and dried fruits;
- Sugar;
- Sweets;
- Flour;
- Sausages;
- Semi-finished products;
- High-starch vegetables: corn, potatoes, pumpkin, legumes
- Grain;
- Alcoholic drinks.
A low-carb diet is suitable for those who want to lose weight quickly. In addition to a balanced diet with a keto diet, you should add exercise such as: B. Exercise in the gym. But don't overdo it! There is an adjustment phase for the body to adapt to a new diet. The diet menu of the keto diet consists of:
- A fish;
- Seafood;
- Beef, chicken, turkey meat;
- Chicken and quail eggs;
- Avocado;
- Cucumber;
- Zucchini;
- Greens;
- Leafy vegetables
- Bushberries;
- Mushrooms;
- Nuts;
- Olive oil;
- Avocado seed oil;
- Coconut oil
- Cream;
- Seed.
The diet has its own contraindications. A ketogenic diet is contraindicated in people with any type of diabetes mellitus, kidney disease, insulin addiction, and pregnant women. The keto diet can be dangerous for those who have problems with the hormone prolactin. Due to the lack of a normal amount of carbohydrates in the diet, there is a possibility of violation of the secretion of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone in women.
The dietitian said the keto diet is a treatment program and is prescribed by a doctor. Switching to this diet can do a person harm, not good. She cautioned against trusting popular bloggers for advice left and right. With a diet as serious as ketogenic, be sure to consult your doctor.
Whole plant-based diet
Switching to plant-based foods doesn't mean you will become a vegetarian. The person starts a healthy diet that is rich in vitamins and nutrients. Salty and sweet foods are replaced with natural products without flavor enhancers, preservatives and other harmful elements.
What does a whole plant-based diet mean? To answer this question, it is worth focusing on the word "vegetables", that is, products of vegetable origin. The new diet excludes refined and processed animal products, that is, semi-finished products. When switching to a plant-based diet, it pays to avoid familiar foods such as:
- Dairy products: milk, kefir, cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt and others;
- Eggs;
- Any kind of meat and fish;
- Seafood;
- Other products that contain elements of animal origin, such asB. honey.
Then what is there? Vegetarianism and veganism are trending, which means you can borrow products from these shopping baskets. For example, milk can easily be replaced with vegetable milk: soy, coconut, almond, oatmeal and others. Yes, at a price that is a little higher, but the offers on the Russian market in different price categories are increasing every day. Use the same principle to choose other products made from milk. Whole plant-based foods focus on carbohydrates, which should contain at least 80%, 10% fat, and another 10% plant-based protein. If you choose to eat this type of food, stock up on the refrigerator with the following items:
- Fruit;
- Vegetables;
- Tubers: root vegetables, potatoes, beets, rutabagas, parsnips and others;
- Full grain;
- Whole wheat bread;
- Legumes;
- Vegetarian and vegan foods: candy, soy meat, plant milk, soy pudding, tofu, and more.
The nutritionist found that a herbal diet can be compared to an orthodox fast. A nutritionist recommends following a full plant-based diet as part of fasting days for good health. However, before you fully switch to such an organic diet, be sure to check your genetics.
Due to the low content of certain elements such as vitamins B and C, not all plant-based people can "sit". First of all, you should consult your doctor for the selection of nutritional supplements that will make up the deficit of a whole plant diet.
The nutritionist warned that after about five years on such a diet without medical examinations, problems could arise in the human body.
Paleo diet
The Paleolithic Diet is known as the Caveman Diet. This is a rejection of fast food, ready meals, and simple carbohydrates in favor of traditional foods.
This type of diet speeds up the metabolism and affects the clarity of the skin. In 2013, the Paleolithic diet was recognized as the most popular among inquiries on Google, as the HuffPost portal found. But there is also a negative opinion about this nutritional program. The British Dietetic Association named the 2015 Paleo Diet the Worst Recommended Diet for Celebrities. According to the association, this diet can develop nutrient deficiencies.
The dietitian believes that the Paleolithic diet can serve as a treatment program as recommended by doctors. It is suitable for people who have immune system problems. The paleo menu includes animal products, but they are of organic origin. Find out how the animals were fed before they hit the shelves. In modern animal husbandry, maize is used as animal feed and, according to the philosophy of the Paleos, is forbidden. You'll also need to switch to the following products:
- Meat from livestock, poultry, fish;
- Seafood;
- Vegetables;
- Fruit, but only after physical exertion;
- "Raw" nuts without frying;
- Vegetable oils, but only cold-pressed with the Virgin label;
- Seed.
To define the "forbidden" paleo diet, think about which foods were not available during the Paleolithic. Basically give up:
- Dairy products;
- Soy products;
- Sugar;
- Carbonated beverages;
- Sweets;
- Coffee and tea;
- Cereal crops;
- Legumes.
Before starting the paleo diet, it is worthwhile to be tested for intolerance to certain foods. The nutritionist noted that for a modern person, a healthy diet should be balanced and include all food groups. Following the example of the Paleolithic diet, our ancestors ate thousands of years ago. The development of the human body does not keep pace with the factors of civilization that have been observed over the past 10 to 15 years.
Mediterranean cuisine
A straightforward diet based on the traditional Mediterranean diet. Your diet is ideally balanced and the basis are carbohydrates, which make up 60% of the total diet. In addition, 30% is used for fats, which are mainly obtained from olive oil, and 10% for proteins - legumes, fish, meat.
The nutritionist believes that the Mediterranean diet is one of the most effective, but for those people who live in the Mediterranean. The effect of the diet depends on the climate, the pace of life and the freshness of the food. It affects activity, vitality and longevity. During the diet, you need to consume:
- Vegetables;
- Greens;
- Green and black olives;
- Olive oil;
- Nuts;
- Natural and lean meat, but in small quantities;
- Seafood;
- Eggs, but not more than four a week;
- Small amounts of fermented milk products;
- Grain;
- Whole wheat pasta;
- Whole wheat bread;
- Legumes.
In order to lose weight successfully with the Mediterranean diet, you should eat small meals and do not forget about physical activity. Breakfast should contain complex carbohydrates such as muesli or cereals. Prepare pasta and vegetables for lunch and egg whites and fresh vegetables for dinner. It is worth excluding from your menu for the duration of the diet:
- Fat dairy products;
- Sugar;
- Reduce salt intake;
- Fat;
- Red meat.
Our nutritional program should include sources of whole protein and animal fats for energy.